Continuing education of church leadership, Parish renewal, Woman in the church and society, Education, Science-Faith-Life, Development-quality of life-alternative tourism, Foreigners in Greece, Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement, Dialogue of religions and cultures.
Main areas of work
Education of church leadership on a national and inter-Orthodox level. The aim is to foster a deeper understanding of the issues faced by modern society in order to deal with them more effectively. In co-operation with the Foundation for Pastoral Education of the Holy Archdiocese in Athens, the OAC carries out certificated educational seminars for priests and laypeople.
Parish renewal: Awakening and strengthening of the parish conscience and life.
Women in the church and society: Support for women’s associations within the Holy Metropolis of Kissamos and Selinon and general encouragement of women to actively participate in church and society.
Education: National and international conferences. Education of teachers and parents. Pedagogical Programmes for grammar- and secondary schools.
Science-Faith-Life: International scientific conferences, especially in the fields of: theology and science, medicine, biology/genetics, bio-medicine, bio-technology, bio-ethics, physics-astronomy, etc.
Development-quality of life-alternative tourism: Re-training of farmers and agronomists: a special program for the study of tourism and ideas for alternative tourism in co-operation with the relevant bodies. A special emphasis lies on issues related to Conference and Religious Tourism.
’KSENOS IMIN...’: Foreigners in Greece, problems and perspectives.
Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement: Contribution to the promotion of the inter-church ministry of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the relevant decisions adopted on an Orthodoxy-wide level. Hosting of official theological dialogues, in co-operation with the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Council of European Churches (CEC) as well as the Association of Christian Academies in Europe (OIKOSNET).
Dialogue between religions and cultures: Conferences on related subjects.