Iconography Workshop

Iconographic art is a valuable treasure of the Orthodox tradition. It is here that aesthetics meets theology in a unique manner. The theological content of ecclesiastical teaching becomes perceptible, is translated into beauty, turns into an image or even ‘a book for the illiterate’” (Saint John of Damascus).

«The art of holy icons is a precious treasure of the Orthodox Christian tradition. Upon an icon theology meets aesthetics in an unequalled way. The theological teaching of the Church is being translated into the language of beauty; the icon becomes “book for [even] the illiterates”» (St. John of Damascus)

Since 1995, the Iconography Workshop of the Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC) cultivates the Byzantine art through the painting of icons and also by informing groups visiting the OAC on iconography.
The Workshop extends its activities by providing iconography seminars to groups and to individuals from Greece and abroad. These seminars aim at offering a general orientation and acquaintance with Byzantine art.
The iconography Workshop offers the possibility to order and purchase icons.

The iconographer of the OAC Konstantina Stefanaki has studied at the Holy Patriarchal Monastery of Chrysopigi in Chania.

Icons of the iconographer are hosted by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, in many Holy Churches and Church Institutions as well as in private collections in Greece and abroad (USA, UK, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, India, Israel, Canada, Norway, Holland, Russia, Finland and Sweden).

Iconography of the iconostasis at Holy Churches:

