
The Library of the Foundation lends up to five (5) Books or (3) Magazines for 15 days. It also provides the possibility of limited photocopying of its material (the number can not exceed the number specified in International Contracts for Copyright Infringement) and access to digital material from the Internet through its computers. The material that does not borrow and includes rare books and newspapers and recent magazine issues is available to the public for use on its premises.

Every citizen of the Prefecture of Chania and beyond, can become a member of the Library free of charge, with the display of a Police Identity or Passport.

In case of destruction or loss of a presumption, the reader is obliged to replace it.

The Library of the Orthodox Academy of Crete is open to the public throughout the year,

Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 15:00 pm and Saturday 09:00 am - 13:00 pm


Contact info

Mountogiannakis Ioannis, M.Sc

Scientific Staff Member - Librarian of the OAC


Tel .: 0030 28240 22245

 FAX: 0030 28240 22060

 E-mal: [email protected]